FALL 2022
Design For America
The chapter of Design For America at the University of Cincinnati has student-led design studios where you learn how to apply human-centered design and design thinking skills for local social impact. We do this in the form of design sprints where we meet once a week for five weeks to focus on the chosen topic.

For this design sprint, we teamed up with the University of Cincinnati's Student Safety Board to address ways to improve safety for students on UC's campus.

Design Sprints
Each week of the design sprint we work on one or two steps of the process.

Identify Our Problem Space
We started with understanding what problem to solve, which was accomplished with a mix of research methods. The methods we used were collecting secondary research from different resources online and then primary research from interviews and observations. 

Problem Framing
We generated "How Might We" statements to narrow down and to frame our problem space before ideation begins. 

Our final How Might We statement: How Might We educate students on how to react during a harmful situation and their next steps after?

Concept Ideation
Build & Test Final Concept
After ideation, our final concept was to build a Social Media Campaign & Toolkit for the campus Student Safety Board to use on their social media platforms. Then we presented our proposal to the Student Safety Board and they have been using it on their social media.

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