Spring 2023
Creature Mark
Creature Mark - Graphically interpret a creature using fundamental elements of design and to communicate a set number of unique physical, behavioral, and personality traits of the creature. 

Interpretive Phrase - Using a phrase about your creature, explore a variety of visual communication and linguistic methods. Use visual problem solving and compositional skills — specifically relationships between form (ie. type, image)  and content (meaning).

I decided for my creature to be a rhino. I researched rhinos and looked at different images. Then I listed attributes of my creature to understand what is most important about rhinos and their form.

Attributes of a Rhino: Strong-headed, heavy, strength, sharp, stubborn, fierce, grand, solitary, smelly, undisturbed, protective, charging, snorting

Sketches + Form Geometry
Next, I sketched out some rhinos to study its form and to find an angle that displays the most important features of a rhino, like its horn. Then, using an image of a rhino, I used geometric shapes to study the form of the creature and I used that geometry to create my creature mark. 

Creature Mark Process Work
I experimented with making the rhino more geometric vs more organic shapes. I also tried different line widths to see what worked the best and I decided that a bolder line is more characteristic of a strong rhino.

Final Creature Mark + form Geometry
Interpretive Phrase Sketches
I started with the phrase "strong statue grazing slowly" and then I decided that just using "grazing slowly" worked better for my composition.

Interpretive Phrase Process Work
Final Creature Mark + Interpretive Phrase
My final interpretive phrase uses line a shape, along with words to show a depiction of a strong but peaceful rhino.

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