Fall 2023
Plunge Publication
Using a typographic system, develop a fictional publication through a word mark identity that communicates a message and creates a successful visual language to reflect the meaning and tone of the publication. 

Publication Concept
Concept Statement
My publication is called Plunge and is about the culture behind the competitive swimming world. It focuses on the mental processes that swimmers go through before and after races and the importance of a strong mentality required for the sport. Swimming can be seen as calm, serene, and peaceful. However, this publication highlights how competitive swimming is actually fueled by adrenaline and how it is both physically and mentally challenging. 

Plunge is the adrenaline that surges through a swimmer's mind to push them to the finish line. 

Plunge is adrenaline-fueled, agile, driven.
Plunge is not stagnant, passive, calm.
Concept Iterations
First I started by doing iterations with tracing paper and marker by hand to try out different concepts and typefaces, then I moved into the computer. Once I decided on a typeface and a direction that was working, I focused on that one typeface and made iterations to get to my final wordmark.

Final Wordmark
Table of Contents Process
After I finished my word mark, I started by designing the table of contents to find a visual system that I could use for the articles in my publication.

Feature Article Process
Once I designed the table of contents, I used that system to design the feature article pages.

Visual System
Final plunge Publication
Interactive Digital Publication
Made in p5.js Web Editor

In the future, publications are probably all going to be fully digital. I decided to use my publication to ideate how to integrate interaction design into a digital publication. Since my publication is about swimming, I coded the type on the table of contents page to move away from the mouse as it moves around to mimic ripples in water. 

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