Summer 2024
Pathfinder App
Design an application that fills a specific need or niche. Utilize typography that is appropriate for the app along with a design system. Then develop prototype screens for identified key screens of the app using Figma.

I chose to design a job searching app. Pathfinder is an app to assist college students and recent graduates in finding temporary employment, like internships or summer jobs. It will also be catered to employers looking for strong applicants to hire. The goal is to make an easy and quick process for applicants to swiftly find internships and jobs for a semester at a time.

I started by by doing research on existing job searching apps: Handshake, Glassdoor, and Indeed. I looked for certain features that I found to be important and helpful to the user experience.

User Personas
Task flows
First is the onboarding flow. The user is asked questions while setting up their account to start and cater the search to their needs. The second flow shows a user searching for jobs, looking at posts and messages and then applying to a job that they saved.

Information architecture
I am using a mixture of filtered view and tabbed view. Filtered view is to narrow down the search results and everything that you see on the page. For tabbed view I have 3 different pages on the navigation bar: home, feed, and my jobs. These pages each show different information.

Initial Sketches
Using user personas, task flows, and information architecture, I began sketching the screens to get feedback from my peers.

Revised digital wireframes
Next I made revised digital wireframes based on feedback from my initial sketches. Main changes included adding filters to the homepage so that users can narrow down their job results being shown. I also focused on revising the my jobs page to include a way to view messages from employers and view your application status. 

The goal was to make everything easy to read and welcoming to young people just entering the professional world. 

Style guide
Focused on using minimal design elements and colors that are not super saturated and in your face to stay professional. The app is very type heavy and focuses on the information, so I used typefaces that are rounded and have good legibility. Also, the use of organic shapes and graphic elements allows for a more friendly, welcoming tone.

Final screens
final Prototype

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